More About Me

Real Estate Agent

Having a wide range of experience from raw land development, investment units and wealth generation, country properties with all its innuendoes, single family dwellings, short sales and negotiations with the banking industry, mobile homes and condominium complexes.
Networking with the best professionals out there as my team, allows me to manage your Real Estate escrow process.
I specialize in pricing properties, strategic planning of the marketing and sales process with the goal of a successful and smooth transition and transaction. Buyers benefit from the networking experience I have with other professionals in the business to find the best property out there, suited for their needs. Along with consulting and educating clients, I also offer FREE home inspections and FREE staging services.
Constant communication and guidance that you need throughout your journey is what I provide. I am your biggest advocate and cheerleader in your HOME SELLING & BUYING process. Client satisfaction is my goal! YOUR local Real Estate Gal!